Tutorship of minor

Problems that can arise during minority form a notarial field in itself and its legal aspects often remain unrecognized. A situation that arises often: a minor inherits property. What to do if one wants to sell it? Our firm is well-known in the legal field for its expertise in the matter. We are therefore able to assist you in this aspect as well as in other situations concerning minors.


Here is a look at services
we offer in this field :

  • Designation of a tutor
  • Setting up a tutorship council
  • Procedure for sale of property owned by a minor
  • Designation of a tutor to the property
  • Designation of an ad hoc tutor
  • Procedure to replace a tutor
  • Assistance to administer property of a minor
  • Annual report of administration
  • All authorization requests implicating a minor

Trust us with your problem